The Babylon Line – Auditions

Event Details

This event finished on 08 November 2018

Auditions: November 6 & 8, 2018

Available Roles

Aaron Port: Male, 37-45

married. Jewish. A published writer, he still has to teach to earn a living. Commutes from his home in Greenwich Village to teach an adult education creative writing course in Levittown, Long Island. Attractive, intelligent, charming, and self-deprecating, he has no great design for how his life is mapped out and is very much aware that some of his contemporaries have found greater success than he has. He tries to be a patient teacher, but it’s not easy.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Joan Dellamond: Female, 35-45

a student in Aaron’s class. Not originally from Levittown and viewed by the other students as an outsider: she’s not Jewish, she doesn’t share their interests, and she’s not social (in fact, she’s been living as a recluse for many years). Attractive, feminine, highly literate, and articulate, with an emotional fragility that’s defended by a wry sense of humor. An avid reader with a true desire to write.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Frieda Cohen: Female, 45-55

Jewish. One of the local women in Aaron’s class. Taking Creative Writing because Current Events was full. The queen bee of her social group and the proud mother of two teenage sons. Outspoken, self-confident, and quick to judge. Has opinions on everything and doesn’t hold back. She is the leader of her social set and expects everyone to fall in line. Smart; nothing gets past her.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Anna Cantor: Female, 40-55

Jewish. Mother of young twins. Friend and next-door neighbor of Frieda Cohen. Enthusiastic and something of a follower, she’s taking the class because Frieda told her to. Has led a somewhat sheltered life. The class becomes an escape from a home life that is much more difficult than it seems.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Midge Braverman: Female, 45-55

Jewish. Married to a CPA. Mother of two teenage boys. Only taking the class because French Cooking was full. Seems entirely conventional on the surface and indeed shares opinions and interests with her social set. Ultimately, though, has a more open and inquiring mind.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities


Jack Hassenpflug: Male, 50-65

a student in Aaron’s creative writing class. A man of few words whose writing focuses solely on memories of his time spent fighting in WWII. In his own world, much of the time. Doesn’t easily show his feelings.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Marc Adams: Male, 25-35

he was a high school football star and golden boy and is now a shell of his former self–someone vacant, a cipher. It’s presumed by the others that drug use ruined him. Lives with his mother as he works on his “magnum opus.”

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities