1776 – Auditions

Event Details

This event finished on 28 November 2018

Audition Dates and Times
Monday, November 26th & Wednesday, November 28th
Call Backs (if needed) – Thursday, November 29th
Sign in will begin at 6:30, Auditions start promptly at 7

Schenectady Light Opera Company Education Building
418 Liberty Street, Schenectady, NY 12305
Free parking is available in the city owned lot across the street

Performance Dates and Times
March 8-10 & 14-17, 2019
Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 2 pm

Rehearsals will generally be Monday, Wednesday, Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons starting in early December.

Audition Requirements
•Please prepare 16-32 bars of Golden Era Broadway music. Bring your own sheet music in the appropriate key. An accompanist will be provided.
•Please bring headshot and resume if you have it.
•Please also be prepared to provide all potential conflicts from December through March.
•Ladies auditioning should bring music that shows off their legit soprano. No belting, please.
•For those auditioning for the role of the Courier, please prepare 16-32 bars of a spiritual or hymn (or “Mama Look Sharp” from the show).
•Actors should be prepared to read from the script. There will be no dance call, though there is some light “movement” in the show.

John Hancock (MA) – Male, 40, Baritone: President of the 2nd Continental Congress, Strong presence, Minimal solo singing

Charles Thomson (PA) – Male, 46, Baritone: Secretary of the 2nd Continental Congress, Fussy and a little uptight, Not one to share his opinions, Minimal solo singing

Dr. Josiah Bartlett (NH) – Male, 46: A quiet delegate but who speaks up when matters push him too far, Ensemble singing

John Adams (MA) – Male, 41, Baritone: A hot headed attorney with zero patience, Leader of the movement for Independence, Obnoxious and disliked by most in congress, Loving husband, Story is told through his eyes, Heavy solo singing

Stephen Hopkins (RI) – Male, 70: A heavy consumer of rum with a slight “dirty old man” humor and air to him, A joker but serious when needed, Ensemble singing

Roger Sherman (CT) – Male, 55: A cobbler turned congressman and constant coffee drinker, Member of Declaration Committee, Minimal solo singing

Lewis Morris (NY) – Male, 50: A quiet congressman who though personally conservative does not share his opinions with congress, Ensemble singing

Robert Livingston (NY) – Male, 29: A conservative congressman and member of Declaration Committee, Minimal solo singing

Rev. Jonathan Witherspoon (NJ) – Male, 53: A peaceful preacher, Newest delegate to Congress, Actor will double as the Painter (non-speaking/non-singing), No singing

Dr. Benjamin Franklin (PA) – Male, 70 Bass/Baritone: A highly intelligent and accomplished man, Has a zest for life and doesn’t let much ruffle his feathers, Great sense of humor, Very charming, Heavy solo singing

John Dickinson (PA) – Male, 43, Baritone: Leader of the conservatives in Congress, Hopes for reconciliation with England, Adam’s greatest challenger, Heavy dialogue, Some solo singing

James Wilson (PA) – Male, 33: A quiet man, Follows Dickinson wherever he goes, Not a man who wants recognition for his own contributions, Ensemble singing

Caesar Rodney (DE) – Male, 47: Frail and suffering from cancer, Widely respected in Congress by both sides, A strong voice for independence, Ensemble singing

Col. Thomas McKean (DE) – Male, 42: Strong believer in independence, Not afraid to use force/intimidation to get his way, Scottish accent required, Ensemble singing

George Read (DE) – Male, 42: Only conservative member of the Delaware delegation, Does not get along or work well with his fellow delegates from DE, A bit of a weasel, Ensemble singing

Samuel Chase (MD) – Male, 35: A hefty man who is constantly eating during congressional sessions, Conservative but willing to work with the opposition, Ensemble singing

Richard Henry Lee (VA) – Male, 44, Baritone/Tenor: A highly energetic man, Full of himself but not in an unlikeable way, A clown, Must be a good physical comedian, Some solo singing

Thomas Jefferson (VA) – Male, 33, Tenor: A quiet but highly intelligent young man, An imposing but handsome figure. Violin player preferred but not required. Heavy solo singing

Joseph Hughes (NC) – Male, 35: A follower of the conservatives, Not one to make his own voice heard – always yielding to Rutledge, Ensemble singing

Edward Rutledge (SC) – Male, 26 Baritone/Tenor: The youngest member of the 2nd Continental Congress, A southern aristocrat and 2nd in command for the conservatives, A snake in the grass, Some solo singing

Dr. Lyman Hall (GA) – Male, 52: One of the newest members of the Congress, Torn between his own beliefs and the desires of the people he represents, A thoughtful man befitting his being a doctor of medicine and philosophy, Ensemble singing

Andrew McNair, Congressional Custodian – Male 50s – 70s, Bass/Baritone: Charming custodian of the Congress, Good sense of humor, A simple man, Minimal solo singing

The Leather Apron – Male, 16-22 Baritone/Tenor: Young assistant to McNair, Too young to know the hardship of war but still young enough to be eager to get out and fight, Minimal solo singing

The Courier – Male, 16-25, Tenor: African American, General Washington’s courier to Congress, Young and knows the hardship of war first hand, Tired from his long journeys but still finding some excitement of being with Congress (or away from battle), Some solo singing

Abigail Adams – Female, 31, Soprano: A highly intelligent woman who serves as her husband’s closest council, She appears only as a figment of her husband’s imagination as she is still in MA while John is in Philadelphia, A lover and a fighter, Heavy solo singing

Martha Jefferson – Female, 27, Soprano: An ethereal beauty, The lovely young bride of Thomas Jefferson, We see more of the physical/romantic love with her and Tom rather than an intellectual match like John & Abigail, Some solo singing

Ages listed are intended to be a guide.

Any questions, please contact the director (hlizcopps@gmail.com).